Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Promocija in degustacija: Supermarket Mercator Koper
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Obiskali smo: Vrtec in OŠ Stična
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Promocija in degustacija: Hipermarket Mercator Bršljin Novo Mesto
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Promocija in degustacija: Hipermarket Mercator Šiška
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Promocija in degustacija: Hipermarket Mercator Rudnik Ljubljana
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.
Dan krompirja na kmetiji Bučar
Vljudno vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite v ČETRTEK, 22. avgusta 2013 ob 10. uri, ko za vas na Kmetiji Bučar pri Grosupljem organiziramo DAN KROMPIRJA.
- 10:00 – sprejem gostov na kmetiji Bučar (Veliko Mlačevo 42, 1290 Grosuplje)
- 10:15 – organizirani ogledi poskusnega polja
– Na predstavitvenem polju vam bomo predstavili sorte krompirja iz ponudbe podjetja Interseme d.o.o.
– Svetovalci podjetja Syngenta, vam bodo svetovali pri zaščiti krompirja pred boleznimi in škodljivci. - 11:00 – predstavitev ostalih sodelujočih ( Cabo d.o.o., Marjan Cof s.p., Jata Emona, Masservice)
Ogled in program bo potekal v vsakem vremenu.
Z željo, da se srečamo vas lepo pozdravljamo,
Kmetija BUČAR in INTERSEME, d.o.o.
Veselica na Medvedjem Brdu
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.
Oglejte si slike veselice na Medvedjem brdu, kjer so bile prisotne tudi zadruge članice G.I.Z.-.a.
Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.Integrirana pridelava
Kaj sploh pomeni pojem integrirana pridelava? Zakaj je boljša za pridelovalce kot uživalce? Poglejte si na spletni strani!
Promocija in degustacija: Mercator Center Novo mesto
Please try entering,link,name,images,album&limit=8 into your URL bar and seeing if the page loads.Facebook API came back with a faulty result. You may be accessing an album you do not have permissions to access.